Our Manifesto
We live in a period of the most rapid and radical transformations in human history. Risks and trends such as the climate crisis, limited natural resources, demographic shifts, technology, digital transformation and epidemics are forcing everything and everyone to change. More than ever, the business world has a responsibility not only to keep pace with this change, but also to contribute to solving problems by managing risks, since it’s obvious that we can’t grow exponentially forever on a small planet.
As Zorlu Holding, we are responding to the change in the world with our Smart Life 2030 strategy. With our responsible investment holding approach, which prioritizes opening new horizons, we focus on creating the highest value in environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas when investing for our Group, our companies, our stakeholders, the society and the future.
We adopt an integrated thinking and management approach based on multiple capitals in the management of non-financial assets such as human resources, innovation and environmental capital. We respond to the global challenges in the sectors in which we operate, guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
We take an active role in achieving global goals and recognize that the solutions we find to today’s problems in ESG areas must be equitable, inclusive and fair to ensure social well-being. With this belief, we invest in human-oriented ecosystems and regenerative business models, and draw strength from our radical collaborations.
We adopt an active shareholder approach to ESG and aim to empower our companies to effectively manage risks and opportunities. We provide guidance to our companies to ensure transparent performance sharing and to achieve the key targets we have set.
We commit to publishing an integrated report fully aligned with the Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Task Force Status Report (TCFD) framework by 2025.
Through our group companies in different sectors from energy to textiles, household appliances to technology, we demand that our stakeholders integrate this awareness and consciousness into all their activities and decision-making processes.
Because we know: Every step we take today, we take for a better world!